Tatsuya Naka Sensei, one of the world's most renowned Karate-Ka, goes over Budo Body Mechanics for the Kata, Nijushiho at camp in Spain.
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Enpi EP4 (Final) : Q&A by Tatsuya Na...
In this final episode, Tatsuya Naka Sensei answers questions from the attendees on Enpi.
His style of proving his explanation is priceless to the Budo-Ka and Karate-Ka who are interested in a deep understanding of traditional Japanese Karate!
Enpi EP2: Tatsuya Naka Sensei's Budo...
In this second episode, Tatsuya Naka Sensei continues to explain the Budo body mechanics in Kata Enpi, focusing on stability and strength.
His style of proving his explanation is priceless to the Budo-Ka and Karate-Ka who are interested in a deep understanding of traditional Japanese Karate! -
Enpi EP1: Tatsuya Naka Sensei's Budo...
In this first episode, Tatsuya Naka Sensei explains the Budo body mechanics in Kata Enpi, focusing on stability and strength.
His style of proving his explanation is priceless to the Budo-Ka and Karate-Ka who are interested in a deep understanding of traditional Japanese Karate!
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