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Trailer: Naka Tatsuya Budo EP2 "Mu/Ku"

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Naka Sensei in Germany 2020 EP 2 Preview

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Trailer: Naka Tatsuya Budo EP2 "Mu/Ku"

Tailer of Naka Tatsuya Sensei explaining the concept of "Mu / Ku" in Budo. It's episode 2 of the series. It's a very complicated concept that you should challenge to understand. Watch the entire series if you haven't!

Message from Yagi Sensei

Gojuryu Meibukan, Akihito Yagi Sensei's shoutout to the Kuro-Obi World Community to stay strong!

Budo EP4 ~Kizuki~ Trailer

Trailer of Naka Tatsuya Sensei explaining the concept of "Ma" in Budo. It's episode 4 of the series.