PART 8: Stretch exercise for kicking.
5m 2s
Is Karate a Sport, or is it Budo? Find the answer within this video series.(15 episodes)
Instructor : Shihan Tatsuya Naka (JKA)
PART 1: Rei (bow) and sit down 礼法(座り方、礼の仕方)
PART 2: Seiza and breathing 正座と呼吸法
PART 3: How to make Seiken-zuki? 正拳突きの作り方
PART 4: How to breath with Seiken-zuki? 正拳突きの呼吸法
PART 5: What is the difference between Budo and Sport? 武道とスポーツの違い
PART 6: Seiken-zuki to three directions. 3方向への正拳突き
PART 7: Balance with Seiken-zuki. 正拳突きの重心とは?
PART 8: Stretch exercise for kicking. 蹴りのストレッチ法
PART 9: Mae-geri (Front Kick) 前蹴りの基本
PART 10: Mae-geri and Seiken-zuki 前蹴りと正拳突き
PART 11: How to move with Zenkutsu-dachi? 前屈立ちの移動稽古
PART 12: How to move with Seiken-zuki? 正拳突きの移動稽古
PART 13: Move with Mae-geri ⇒ Oi-duki 前蹴り⇒追い突きの移動
PART 14: High Level : How to move with Tsuki and Keri? 突き蹴り連続の移動稽古
PART 15: Basic Kata, Kan-ku 型の基本「観空」
★Is Karate a Sport, or is it Budo? Find the answer within this video series.
Shihan Tatsuya Naka explains Seiza and manners, and included stances, breathing, making fists, Tsuki, Keri, Kihon and finished with Kata. Let’s open the door to Budo Karate!